
2021 Reunion

Saturday August 7, 2021

2021 Reunion Events

Impromptu supper at Sally & Roy’s house.

Impromptu supper at Sally & Roy’s house.

Wednesday, Aug. 4

Well we didn’t do any blueberry picking but Sally and Mary saw the Futrell clan at the Farmer’s market and they brought over an impromptu supper of salad, cheese, pulled pork and wine all from the market. It was delicious and later we started a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Goodness, everyone should come early!

Long stone.jpg

Thursday Aug. 5

Jane Long Dilley told us about the history of the stone that Lincoln Long quarried when he was young.

Then Robert Sheehy presented a program about the Lincoln Long Family. Content coming soon.

Enjoying Visiting

Enjoying Visiting

Friday, Aug. 6

Open house at the Scrimshaws

We had a wonderful time visiting with people coming in at all hours and enjoying food and good cheer and catching up with each other.

Ted Johnson and Mark Futrell catching up.

Ted Johnson and Mark Futrell catching up.

Great Grandpa Dave, Grandma Terry Johnson and Linus.

Great Grandpa Dave, Grandma Terry Johnson and Linus.

Favored photo of the whole reunion! Lynn would make a great Santa!

Favored photo of the whole reunion! Lynn would make a great Santa!

Saturday, Aug. 7

Reunion Day

Pot Luck at the Old Grange Hall

We had a wonderful time visiting together! Jane Dilley gave a blessing and we all dug in to a delicious pot luck! These things should never be organized because everyone has their specialty and the variety was just right because we didn’t have just cake!

While we were enjoying dessert, Jane Dilley again was MC for introducing the families who updated us all on the happenings within the clan.

We had a memorial for the 6 people who passed from this life since the 2017 reunion. They are:

Jack Messina (husband of Kate Burns of the Emily Elliott Burns family) - March 24, 2018

Frank Dilley (husband of Jane Long of the Frank Long family) - April 13, 2018

Pat Messina Taylor (Daughter of Kate Burns of the Emily Elliott Burns family) - May 2, 2018

Nancy Long Huntley (Frank Long family) - May 8, 2018

Jacque Elliott Helmer – (Marion Long and James Elliott family) February 5, 2020

Trey & Finn check out the calves.

Trey & Finn check out the calves.

Saturday Night at the Farm

Everyone enjoyed the Elliott Homestead, roaming the fields, feeding the calves and even milking cows.

Alex Dilley, Finn and Dani Calhoun watch the milking and then try their hand at it!

Alex Dilley, Finn and Dani Calhoun watch the milking and then try their hand at it!

Brittny Elliott with Farmer Finn!

Brittny Elliott with Farmer Finn!

Buddies Brian Elliott and Greg Mikolajczak

Buddies Brian Elliott and Greg Mikolajczak

Sunday Aug. 8

I say it every year! Tearful good byes at the homestead.

Going to feed the calves. The farm should have this kind of help all of the time!

Going to feed the calves. The farm should have this kind of help all of the time!

Thomas Elliott makes delicious blueberry pancakes on the grill.

Thomas Elliott makes delicious blueberry pancakes on the grill.